Europe is Surrendering to Islam

Most Americans are unaware of the spiritual war taking place on the European continent. After several decades of spiritual darkness, Europe became vulnerable to Satan’s attack. Islam is filling the spiritual vacuum left by Europe’s rejection of the gospel, as has been the case since the inception of Islam 1,400 years ago. Consequently, Islam is threatening to take over Europe. Europe’s political leadership is blind, and lacks the will to fight back, and in some cases is welcoming radical Muslims with open arms.

Guy Millière, a professor at the University of Paris, and the author of 27 books on France and Europe, has written of Europe’s surrender to Islam:

At the end of World War II, Europe was exhausted and largely destroyed. The idea that prevailed among politicians was that it was necessary to make a clean sweep of the past. Nazism was described as the rotten fruit of nationalism and military power, and the only war that seemed to have to be waged was a war against war itself. Decolonization added the idea that the Europeans had oppressed other peoples and were guilty of crimes they now had to redeem. There was no mention of how, throughout history, recruits to Islam had colonized the great Christian Byzantine Empire, Greece, Sicily, Corsica, North Africa and the Middle East, most of the Balkans and eastern Europe, Hungary, northern Cyprus and Spain. Cultural relativism gained ground. The anti-Western revision of history gradually gained ground in media, culture, politics and education.

Immigrants from the Muslim world arrived in increasing numbers. They were not encouraged to integrate or respect the countries to which they came. In school, their children were told that European powers had misbehaved towards the Muslim world and that Muslim culture was at least as respectable as the Western one, maybe even more.”

Muslim districts emerged. Radical Islam spread. Whole neighborhoods came under the control of gangs and imams.”

When violence erupted and riots took place, European politicians chose to placate them. European populations sometimes tried to resist, but they were constantly told that criticism of immigration and Islam is ‘racist’. They were intimidated, pushed to shut up.”

What is happening now in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe is merely a continuation.”

European political leaders all know that radical Islam has swept throughout the continent, that hundreds of Muslim areas are under Islamic control, that thousands of potential jihadists are there, hidden among the immigrants and ready to murder, and that the police are overwhelmed.”

They know that radical Islam has declared war on the Western world and that it is a real war. They see that they are prisoners of a situation they no longer control and that reversing the course of events would involve drastic actions they are not ready to take, such as closing thousands of mosques, taking back lost territories by force, arresting thousands of suspects, and deporting foreign jihadists.”

They are aware that an apparently unstoppable replacement of population is underway in Europe and that there will be more attacks. They speak as if to limit the damage, not prevent it.

European populations also see what is happening. They watch as entire areas of European cities become foreign zones on European soil; they view the attacks, the wounded, the corpses. It seems as if they have simply lost the will to fight. They seem to have chosen preemptive surrender.”

British political commentator Douglas Murray writes in his important new book, The Strange Death of Europe: ‘Europe is committing suicide. Or at least its leaders have decided to commit suicide’. He then wonders if the Europeans will agree to go along with what is happening. For the moment, it seems, the answer is yes.” (

Muslims, including those who do are not violent, believe and support Islam’s ultimate goal of world domination. This Islamic tsunami is heading toward the shores of the U.S. The political leadership, especially the democratic party is following in the identical steps of their European fellow politicians. Even more tragic is the sinful silence of the evangelical church! Very few evangelical leaders are speaking up. The Lord has sent us several eloquent former Muslims (Mark Gabriel,Michael Youssef, Bridget Gabriel, Walid Shoebat, etc.), who are now solid believers in Jesus Christ, to sound the warning. The church needs to pray and prepare for the opportunity to evangelize the Muslims living in America, while sounding out the warnings of the doctrines and practices of Islam that are in total opposition to Biblical revelation.

According to the prophetic Word of God, Islam will rule the world during the Tribulation, following their Islamic messiah, the one the Bible calls the Antichrist. While this is taking place, it is our role to oppose all spiritual darkness and proclaim Jesus Christ as the sole spiritual light of the world. The tenets of Islam are being embraced by our world because our world is living in a world of darkness. Jesus said: “And this is condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone that [practices] evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, [unless] his deeds should be reproved.” (John 3:19-20)

We must love Muslims to Jesus Christ.