I have been saying for years that the world is foolish to support the creation of another evil totalitarian state called Palestine. Instead of supporting a democratic state, Israel, the world chooses to support a repressive regime that suppresses peace and humane values, and promotes war, terrorism and violence.
In recent days, the Palestinian leadership clearly revealed to the world just how evil it is. Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, sent a congratulatory letter to North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un, concerning North Korea’s celebration of “Liberation Day.” This comes at a time when the North Koreans are not cooperating with the United Nations, and are threatening to use a nuclear bomb against the United States.
The world’s blind support for the Palestinians is a commentary on just how evil our global culture has become. In essence, the world is supporting hate, rather than respect. They are choosing war and violence instead of peace and civil cooperation. Our world, including many in the U.S., have inverted reality — calling evil good, and good evil.
Just as the Bible has predicted, we are living at a time of great spiritual darkness and wickedness. The chaos and carnage of the Tribulation Period is looming on the global horizon. Soon, the Prince of Peace will come and take His bride, the church, home.