As our world moves deeper into a cycle of dangerous Islamic terrorism and anarchy, a growing number of European Jewish people are thinking about immigrating to Israel. Following the recent terrorist attack in Barcelona, a prominent Rabbi in Spain spoke to his fellow Jews, encouraging them to make plans now to immigrate to Israel. He is admonishing them to not wait until it is too late, like in previous generations.
Surveys among Jews living in the UK indicate that due to the increase of anti-Semitic attacks, one-third of them are thinking about immigration to Israel.
The Scriptures indicate that we are witnessing an ongoing immigration of the Jews back to their ancient homeland. Almost one-half of the world’s Jews are now living in Israel. According to the Bible, when the Kingdom Age begins, every Jew will have returned home to Israel. God says that His people will know that He is the LORD their God when He has “gathered them into their own land, and have left none of them any more [in their enemies’ lands]. (Ezekiel 39:28)