Today, the church is almost non-existent in parts of the EU. Furthermore, radical Islamic immigrants are flooding Europe, bring their hatred of Israel and the Jews with them. Consequently, anti-Semitism is once again raising its ugly head and setting the stage for another world war – the last one, Armageddon. “The Commission of the European Union recently published a survey which showed that 75% of British Jews feel that anti-Semitism has become a very large and serious problem. As a result a third of British Jewry is considering emigration due to the upsurge in anti-Semitism.” (The Jerusalem Report, January 28, 2019, p. 10)
Studies now indicate that the new Palestinian school curriculum, which is funded by the EU, is more radical than in previous years. The curriculum does not promote peace between the Palestinians and Israelis. It teaches the children that Jews have no part in their land. And, it promotes jihad and martyrdom to accomplish the radical goal of eliminating Israel. The next generation of Palestinians is being educated to be more radical and more anti-Semitic.There will be no true peace in the Middle East until Jesus comes.
This also spells trouble for Christians. The radical Muslims have a saying, “First comes Saturday, then comes Sunday.” This means that their war of eradication of all non-Muslims is aimed first at Jews, then at Christians. This is evidenced all over the Middle East where the Jewish and Christian population in most cases is dwindling. Israel is the only country in the Middle East where the Christian population is safe and growing.
We need to understand that the enemies of Christians and Jews are the same. This present state of affairs will only worsen as we approach the final days at the end of this age. The coming world dictator, the Antichrist, like Hitler, will lead an all-out war to annihilate all Jews and those who will be saved during the Tribulation. We can see the storm coming. We only pray that our exit through the Rapture is imminent. “Even, so, come Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).