The world is attempting to appease Islam by passing laws to protect anyone from criticizing any aspect of the religion. At the same time, the world seems to have given them permission to attack Jews and Christians. All over Europe, leaders within the European Union are asking Jews to stop wearing the Jewish head covering, or any other Jewish symbol. At the same time, radical Muslims are attacking Christians who are wearing a crucifix. The message is loud and clear. Don’t offend Muslims while they plan to attack you and kill you. We are living in times of great spiritual darkness!
Since the beginning of the religion of Islam, there has been an open attack upon the cross, the very symbol that recognizes the Christian faith and salvation. Several sources indicate that this was the teaching and practice of Muhammad, the founding prophet of Islam. For centuries, Muslims have been breaking crosses and destroying churches across the Middle East and Europe. Muslims do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God and teach that Judas, not Jesus, died on a cross.
As Islam continues to grow in numbers and acceptance, it is a clear sign that the end of this age is approaching. Islam teaches that at the end, Jesus, who they call Issa, will return with the Islamic Messiah and destroy Christianity, breaking crosses, and killing Jews. This is in direct opposition to the message of the Bible. According to the Bible, the Antichrist (who will be a Muslim), and all those who join him in his attack upon Israel, will be killed by Jesus at Armageddon (Revelation 19:11-21).
This clearly reminds us that the Koran and the Bible are not the same. They have opposing messages. They cannot both be right. It also proves that the god of Islam, Allah, is not the God of the Bible, who calls Himself “the Holy One of Israel.” The final war at the end of this age will be the god of Ishmael (Islam) against the God of Isaac (Israel). The stage is set and the players are marching to the beat of hatred that will drive them to Armageddon.
Get ready for the shout that will take us out!