Global Food Crisis

In the May PTNews [Newsletter] Mike addressed the fact that the Bible predicts that the end of this age will encounter a world-wide food crisis. The recent pandemic crisis is a clear warning of this impending disaster. Even before the pandemic started, many voices were sounding the warning of an approaching global famine. In a recent article of Breaking News Israel, David Beasley, the executive director of the World Food Program, said, “The world is heading towards widespread famine ‘of biblical proportions’ due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the chief of the UN’s food relief agency warns. He added that we only have a small window to act before hundreds of millions starve …. Over 30 developing worldwide could experience widespread famine. In 10 of those countries, over 1 million people are on the brink of starvation” (Breaking Israel News, April 26, 2020).

Please read the May PTNews. In the June issue, Mike will share some practical insights from the Bible as to how we should respond to living in these last days. We need to cry out to the Lord for wisdom to know how to live, pray, think, hope, prepare, and plan in these unique days. He has promised to give us wisdom (James 1:5). As COVID-19 has illustrated, we are living in unprecedented times. We need to learn how to biblically “occupy” until Jesus comes.