Joyce and I thank all of you for your kind cards, notes, e-mails and phone calls during our down time with the COVID virus. We both tested positive a few days before Thanksgiving. We both had symptoms for two weeks. Joyce has bounced back quicker than I have. This is a real note of praise. We were both fearful of how Joyce would react to the virus if she would get it. Her immune system has been compromised due to her treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. So, we are rejoicing that she is doing well. My symptoms of COVID included a dangerous lowering of my oxygen saturation levels. I continue to experience shortness of breath. I also do not have much stamina. I remain excessively tired all of the time. Some have told me that I can expect these problems to persist for a few weeks or months. Please keep praying for us.
As I feel like it, I have been working on the newsletter research and writing. In addition to this, I am working on my book on the rapture. Plus, I am working on a booklet and recorded messages to complement a booklet on “Your Future in the Eternal Plan of God.” I am hoping to finish both of these projects by the end of February.
We will soon begin to construct a new recording studio in our prophecy building. The goal is to record many new messages and to edit and record some of those I have done in the past. I am really excited about this plan. The COVID crisis has taught me that I must reach out to many of you more effectively with the rapidly moving developments that are rushing us into the unfolding of the biblical end-time events. Please join me in praying for this studio to be completed.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. God bless all of you. I hope you have a great New Year!