Most Americans do not realize that our beloved nation is presently fighting for its life as a free country. We have many enemies within and without that are aimed at transforming America into a godless socialist state. They hate America for many reasons. They hate America because this country was founded upon moral biblical values. They also hate America because this great nation is the last domino that needs to fall in order to create a New World Order where all citizens of the planet become slaves to a godless totalitarian government.
We now have real data records to prove that the American presidential election this past November was altered by international cyber intrusion [primarily China]. I highly recommend that you spend the time to watch the following 2 hour video produced by Mike Lindell. Do not allow what the media and others have said about this great American to influence your attitudes about what he has to say. He has used his resources and influences to bring together a team of experts to prove beyond a doubt how our election was stolen. The evidence is impeccable! This is not a conspiracy. It is about a real evil agenda. The evidence is all around us.
The massive cover-up of this voter fraud is an indication of just how widespread the influence of the enemies of America really is. Friends, we are living at a very dangerous moment in America. What is happening here mirrors what has happened in other countries where evil socialist regimes took control of other countries. They are silencing journalists who are exposing their agenda. The media is a tool in their war against America. They are planning to take our guns from us. They are and will increasingly attack the church and all those who speak the truth. We are a threat to their agenda and power.
Please watch the following video before it is taken down. Please share it with all of your friends and family.
Mike Lindell video
Warning – video is 2 hours and a strong connection is recommended. Do not contact us about video freezing. We are just linking to it.