Russia Invades Ukraine

All eyes are now on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  Without question we are witnessing the beginning of a war that will have dramatic and painful consequences for the international community.  Many European leaders are concerned this may be the beginning of World Ward III.  This is a major showdown between Russia in the East, and Europe and the U.S. in the West.

This war is of major to Israel.  Many Jewish Israeli citizens are former Ukrainians [about 500,00 are from Ukraine].  About 15,000 Israeli citizens live and work in Ukraine.  Israel has offered to airlift all Jews in Ukraine [about 200,000] to Israel.  Since all three of the Ukrainian airports have been destroyed by the Russian invasion, all who want to escape must travel west to the border with Poland where Jewish authorities are waiting to assist them.  With the fast-advancing Russia forces and only 8 days of propane reserves left in the country, time is of the essence.  Winter is still harsh in Ukraine and the fear is that many will have no way to heat their homes, and many will freeze to death.

How will this war impact Israel?  In just a few days you will receive my March newsletter – PTNews. (That is if you are on the list to receive it. Click the elephant on this page to receive it via e-mail.)  In this publication I have presented extensive considerations of how this war will affect Israel.  The major question for many is the possible connection of this war as a prelude to the Gog and Magog invasion in Ezekiel 38-39.  In my newsletter, I examine 10 considerations to show that Russian President Vladimir Putin could be the Gog [Russian leader] of this future war.  If he is, we are living in the closing moments of the church age!

In recent weeks, Russia has made several threatening statements toward Israel concerning their military air raids on Iranian positions in Syria.  They have told Israel that these air attacks must cease, and if they do not it could lead to a military confrontation with Russia.  Russia is also flying some of their fighter jets from their airbase in Syria along the northern Israeli border on the Golan Heights in what appears to be of a provocative nature.  When Israeli leaders condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine, within hours Russia said that Israel was illegally occupying the Golan Heights.  Without question, Russia is looking south toward Israel.

Israeli political and military leaders are convinced that the Ezekiel 38-39 war is on the immediate horizon.  They are not only talking about it.  They are prepared for the day that it happens.  All of Israel is focused on Ezekiel’s prophecy.

If the world carries through with their threat to put in place harsh economic sanctions on Russia, could this backfire and force Russia to attack Israel for the wealth and food that Ezekiel mentioned in his prophecy?  It is looking like this could be a real possibility.

Putin has put himself in a very precarious position.  He is forced to proceed with his war plans.  This could cause him to expand his war efforts.  Some very dangerous days are ahead for our world.

“Be ready for the shout that will take us out!”