Many of us who follow the current events with an eye on Biblical prophecy believe the current war between Russia and Ukraine is a possible prelude to the Biblical war of Gog and Mago in Ezekiel 38-39. Israel 365 News reported on February 28, 2022, that Russian President Vladimir Putin is recruiting Muslims from Syria and Chechnya to fight along beside his military forces in Ukraine. Russia has a long history of siding with the radical elements of Islam who hate the West. During the Cold War, the former Soviet Union supported the radical Muslim elements in the Middle East against Israel. So, this makes these Muslims a natural ally of Russia against the West. Many Muslims are now praying that Russia will defeat Ukraine and spread its war across the European continent. They see Putin as a strong leader who will aid them in the defeat of the West, and especially the United States.
The formation of an Islamic coalition is natural for Putin. It is estimated that there are 20 million Muslims living in Russia. They comprise about 14 percent of the Russian population. The Russian Orthodox church is also a part of the radical religious group that supports Putin. These pagan church leaders have been known to publicly bless the production of Russian nuclear arms. (See the photo that shows a Russian priest blessing nuclear arms. – Copied from The Moscow Times February 4, 2020.) Putin claims to be an Orthodox Christian and is hailed as a beloved hero by them. This is so reminiscent of Hitler in the pre-WWII era. Nothing is more sinister than a political figure who cloaks himself as a follower of God, while being an agent of deception and death.
According to Ezekiel 38:5-6, radical elements of the Islamic world will join “Gog” [the ancient Biblical term for the leader of Russia] in his sudden invasion of Israel in the last days. It seems that with each passing day there is new evidence that this Biblical war of Gog and Mago is on the imminent horizon.
As I spelled out in my March newsletter (Click the elephant on this page to receive it via e-mail.), I believe all the pieces to the prophetic puzzle in Ezekiel 38-39 indicate this invasion by Russia and its Muslim allies will take place either immediately before or after the Rapture of the church. There is some solid evidence presented by Ezekiel that the events that follow the sudden and catastrophic defeat of this collation will be accomplished before the Kingdom of God begins at the end of the Tribulation Period. Ezekiel reports that Israel will burn the weapons left behind by the coalition. It will take them seven years to burn these weapons (Ezekiel 39:9). The stated purpose of Israel’s recovery of this war is to “cleanse the land” (39:12, 16). Many Bible scholars believe this cleansing of the land of Israel must be completed before the Millennial Kingdom can begin. Naturally, this would indicate this battle must take place at least seven years prior to the end of the Tribulation Period.
It is all unfolding, just like the Bible has predicted! “Be ready for the shout that will take us out!”