We live in a world that has lost its moral compass. Good has become evil and evil has become good. This is the real backdrop behind the picture being painted against Israel in its war of defense against Hamas. The fact that our world is defending Hamas, rather than Israel is a testimony that our world is committing intellectual and spiritual suicide. It stands against truth and good. It is in love with lies and evil. Certainly, this points to the reality that our global culture has reached the spiritual point of no return. It is inviting the holy wrath of God against the entire planet. It is only a matter of time.
A recent article by Alan Dershowitz for Gatestone Institute speaks with moral clarity concerning Israel’s war with Hamas and other radical Islamic terrorists and nations that seek to destroy the Jewish people and their nation. To read the entire article, go to https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/20298/international-court-of-injustice-israel. Here is a portion of the article, “There have been too many civilian casualties in Gaza, although no one has any idea how many of the dead and wounded were actually civilians, as distinguished from terrorists and those who assist them. The civilian casualties are the fault of Hamas, first for starting the war by murdering Israeli civilians, and second by hiding their military assets among civilians in an effort to use them as human shields. Hamas apparently even shot at its own citizens to keep them from fleeing to southern Gaza for safety as the Israelis had urged them to.
“The evidence is indisputable that Hamas has committed numerous war crimes. First, it attacked Israeli civilians attending a music festival and living in peace. Second, it ordered its terrorists to rape and sexually assault its victims, thus weaponizing sexual assault during wartime. Third, it has fired thousands of rockets at Israeli civilian targets. Fourth, it has built tunnels with exits near Israeli civilian areas, whose purpose it is to murder and kidnap civilians. Fifth, it has deliberately placed its rocket launchers and command centers in civilian areas, in order to induce Israel to cause collateral damage among civilians. Sixth, it has used children and even babies as human shields to prevent Israel from rescuing its hostages. Seventh, it has taken over hospitals, schools, mosques and other civilian resources and turned them into military assets. Eighth, it has recruited 13- and 14-year-old boys and girls to become terrorists. Ninth, it has coerced women into becoming suicide bombers targeting Israeli civilians. Tenth, it arranged for civilian workers from Gaza to get jobs in Israel in order to provide them information they used to murder Israeli civilians” (Gatestone Institute, January 12, 2024).
The truth of 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 is coming to pass, “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”