U.S. President Calls for Global Peace & Security

On May 20-21, U.S. President Donald Trump traveled to the heart of the Islamic world to meet with the leadership of 20 Arab/Islamic leaders at a summit planned by the Saudis. After a hearty welcome of the President by the Saudis, he delivered a speech to about fifty Arab/Islamic leaders in Riyadh concerning the scourge of Islamic violence and terrorism that has swept across the face of the earth in the last few decades. President Trump must be applauded for his courage to go to the center of the Islamic world to point the finger at Islamic leaders and call for a concerted effort to stop terrorism and the radical Islamic extremism that is fueling hate, violence, and death among the nations. While many are criticizing him for not going far enough to place the blame upon many of the leaders at this summit, we all must realize that no other leader of the free world has dared to openly talk about this subject, especially while visiting in the heart of the Islamic world. America should be proud that our president is showing the political courage to do something that should have been done long ago! In this speech, President Trump, viewing himself as a messenger from the nations, called for a concerted effort on the part of Muslim leaders to move the world toward peace, security, and hope.

As I listened this speech that was heard around the world, I was reminded of the words of the Apostle Paul almost 2,000 years ago, when he said, “… the day of the Lord (the Tribulation Period) so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they (the world) say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they (the world) shall not escape.” (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3) President Trump’s call for peace and security comes at a critical time when the world is facing the daily threat of Islamic terrorism. While I applaud President Trump’s efforts, I also realize that according to the prophetic Word of God, his efforts will not bring real lasting peace to the region. Islamic jihad and efforts to control the world are at the heart of true Islam as it was proclaimed and modeled by their founding prophet, Mohammad.

In his speech to these leaders he repeatedly called for “peace” (11 times), “safety” (2 times), and “security” (12 times). In light of all other world developments, I believe that this speech, and others like it, are a clear sign of the world’s desperate call for peace and safety that will precede the destruction at the beginning of the Tribulation Period. The day of the Lord is very near!

While we cannot understand all that will transpire in the weeks and months that follow, we know that ultimately the Antichrist will offer a false peace deal to Israel that will begin the Tribulation Period. (Daniel 9:27) The desire for peace and safety will implode in the face of our world and then sudden destruction, anarchy, revolutions, wars, and conflicts will be advanced by the Antichrist and his kingdom at the very beginning of the Tribulation Period. (Revelation 6:1-8)

True and lasting peace will not come to Israel and the nations of the Middle East until Jesus Christ crushes the rebellion of the nations gathered against Him at Armageddon. Then, and only then, will the world have true and lasting peace. Only after Jesus comes will the nations not “learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4) Not until then, at the beginning of His kingdom, will the nations of the Middle East offer respect and dignity to God’s chosen people, Israel. (Isaiah 60:6-12) “The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee; and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee, The city of the LORD, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel.” (Isaiah 60:14) Then, and not until then, will violence in the land of Israel cease. (Isaiah 60:18)

This is why we should pray: “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10) Before the kingdom of peace comes, the darkness of the Tribulation must come. We are watching the gathering clouds of darkness at this hour. Before the Tribulation begins, the age of grace will end and the Lord will suddenly take His bride, the church, home to heaven. Get ready for the shout that will take us out!