The Beginning of the End

The Tribulation Period will begin with a false peace covenant forced upon Israel (Daniel 9:27). After decades of global frustration to bring an end to the Arab/Israeli conflict, the world is preparing to force a peace settlement upon Israel. At the core of this conflict is the world’s attempt to remove the Jewish people from the land promised to them by God in an eternal covenant 4,000 years ago. The world is siding with the Arab Muslims and all their lies about the land belonging to them. The Palestinians claim the Jews were never in the land called Palestine until the 20th century. All of us know from the Scriptures and historical records that this is a lie. The Bible is filled with references to the Jewish people’s right to and occupation of the Promised Land. Jerusalem is mentioned more than 900 times in the Bible. The Bible recognizes it as the political capital from the days of King David 3,000 years ago. The Temple Mount is the ancient location of the temple built by King Solomon as described in great detail in 1 Kings 8. Furthermore, in the last few decades, tens of thousand of artifacts have been discovered by archeologists that prove the historical connection of Israel to the land, the city of Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount. The claims of the Palestinians, that the land, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount belong exclusively to the Palestinians is a lie that has no historical evidence. However, the UN and the world have chosen to ignore the Bible, history, and archeological evidence and to believe the Palestinians and their false claims. Furthermore, the world defends the acts of terrorism and wars carried out by the Arab/Islamic world against Israel. The world views this conflict as nothing more than a legitimate act of resistance by the Arabs and Muslims against the “Israelis illegal occupation of Palestine.”

Now the world, including the current U.S. administration in Washington D.C., is preparing to force Israel to accept the demands of the world to establish a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. According to the prophetic Scriptures, this is the beginning of the end-time events. Recently, World Israel News, released the following report, “The Biden administration and its partners in the Arab world are preparing a detailed plan which would provide a timeline for the establishment of a Palestinian state, which may be made public in the coming weeks. According to a Washington Post report, the U.S. is first focusing on a hostage release deal which would see fighting between Israel and the Hamas terror group paused as captives are released from the Gaza Strip. During that break in hostilities, which would last six weeks, Washington is planning to make its framework for long-term peace in the region. The deal would include the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with its capital in eastern Jerusalem, and require the evacuation of numerous Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria” (World Israel News, February 15, 2024).

Dear friends, on the basis of the Word of God, I can promise you that this attempt to harm Israel and removed the Jewish people from their land will bring about the end of the United States and the world as we know it. The Bible is filled with warnings to the nations concerning what they are about to do. God is bringing the Jewish people back to their ancient homeland. Anyone who opposes this action is in direct conflict with Almighty God.

If the U.S. administration attempts to carry out its announced plans, we will at some point see the holy hand of the wrath of God upon America and the world.

Prepare for the shout that will take us out!