The Jewish Love for the Land

Picture of an Israli.
credit: Times of Israel

There is no people group on the face of the earth that loves their land like the Israelis. The land of Israel is a part of their Jewish birthright, history, and heart. It is a vital part of who they are. It goes much deeper than feelings of patriotism. In a unique way, God has united the Jewish heart and the land of Israel. In Isaiah 62:4, the land is called “Beulah,” which is Hebrew for “married.” Going all the way back to the Abrahamic covenant 4,000 years ago, God married the Jewish people to the Promised Land. Speaking of the Jew and the land, God said, “For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee” (Isaiah 62:5).

This bond between the Jew and his land is perfectly illustrated with the recent return of the remains of an Israeli who was killed in action 37 years ago in southern Lebanon. On April 4, 2019, Sergeant First Class Zachary Baumel was laid to rest in the prestigious military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. In remarks at her brother’s committal, Osan Haberman said, “All of our prayers during these 37 years went to one place and we’re here. I thought about what I would do here in this place. I can’t even embrace you. So I thought to turn to the ground and ask the land to embrace you. After a few minutes I understood that I don’t even need to ask. The land embraces you so strongly. And why? Because there is absolute love between the son that gave everything for the land and the land itself, and there is a perfect union here. You are together now.”

When people attempt to separate the Jewish people from the land God has given to them, they are wrestling with God. They are attempting to divide what God is united. God has married the Jew to the land. “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Mathew 19:6).

Israel 10th Healthiest Nation on Earth

Israel Today reports that “according to the 2019 edition of the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index, which ranks 169 countries according to factors that contribute to overall health. Israel is 25 spots ahead of the United States.” Israel is the 10th healthiest nation in the world. (

Israel continues to be the land that flows with milk and honey. In Ezekiel 20:6, the Bible speaks of the land of Israel as a land “flowing with milk and honey, which is the glory of all lands.” Israel is one of the few countries in the world that provides its citizens with all the food they eat. They import very little. I know from my tours that the food in Israel is fresh, delicious, tasty, and prepared by Israeli chefs in the hotels where we stay. They also provide us with an incredible variety of foods at each meal.

Mike releases his new book:

Living in a World with No Conscience is a hard-hitting, passionate presentation of the true spiritual condition of our nation and world — all through the lens of the Bible.  Author Mike Wingfield attempts to demonstrate that America and our world are extremely close to reaching the spiritual point of no return that is leading to the final global divine judgment prescribed in the Bible.  At the heart of this is the silencing of the collective conscience of our nation and world. God has warned, “My spirit will not always strive with man” (Genesis 6:3).  What does this mean? What do we need to do?  Living in a World with No Conscience will help you discover the vital answers to these questions.

Those who do not know Jesus Christ are oblivious to where we are and what is about to transpire in the world — and an overwhelming number of believers, including pastors, do not grasp the gravity of what is taking place in the American and in the global culture.  Living in a World with No Conscience can help us to see our world as God sees it, and provide us with a much needed wake-up call!

This softback cover book, 166 pages, is available at Amazon Books, Barnes and Nobel, or you can order it from Prophecy Today Ministries (PTM).  PTM sells the book for $12.00, plus shipping.

To place your order call: 1-540-798-7348


Will President Trump Support the Rebuilding of the Temple?

Many Jewish people in Israel were deeply moved by the support of U.S.

pic from Israel Breaking News
credit: Israel Breaking News

president Donald Trump’s for the moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. In their minds, this has set in motion the international movement toward the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Next on their list of prayers is the rebuilding of the Jewish temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. A growing number of Israelis believe President Trump will be used of God to give them permission to take control of the Temple Mount and rebuild their temple.    They have been waiting for this since the destruction of the last temple in 70 A.D. by the Romans.

To express their hope, a special coin has been minted in Israel showing the

pic from Mikdash Educational Center
credit: Mikdash Educational Center

silhouettes of King Cyrus, the Persian King who supported the Jewish return to Jerusalem after the Babylonian Captivity, and President Donald Trump. Only time will tell if this hope will be realized soon. Many events and trends in the Middle East tell us we are living in very unusual times when God is advancing His prophetic agenda of the last days.

“Get out of Syria Fast”

photo from IsraelToday magazine credit: IsraelToday

On Tuesday, January 15th, Prime Minister used the occasion for the swearing in of the new Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Chief of Staff, Aviv Kochavi, to send a very powerful message to Iran. For several years now, Iran has been building up its military forces in Syria. Israel knows that the purpose of Iran’s military presence in Syria is to develop a powerful Iranian military force on the northern border of Israel to ultimately attack Israel. Iran has openly bragged to the world that it will destroy Israel. The former out-going DF Chief of Staff, Gadi Eisenkot, revealed that Israel has destroyed the Iranian military installations in Syria with thousands of missiles and bombs in recent years. According to Israel Today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent a very powerful message to Iran. He said, “I’m telling you, get out of there fast. We won’t stop attacking.”

As students of Bible prophecy, we know that Iran, Russia, and Turkey will attack Israel probably immediately before the Tribulation begins. (Read Ezekiel 38-39.) Three times in Ezekiel 38 we are told that this attack on Israel will take place when Israel is dwelling “safely” in the land. The Hebrew word used here speaks of the military self-reliance Israel will exhibit at the time of Iran’s attempted attack. These words by Prime Minister Netanyahu certainly illustrate that Israel is very confident in its own ability to defend itself, even in the presence of the Russian and Turkish forces in Syria as well.

Israel may not fully recognize it yet, but their greatest defense is from above. The Holy One of Israel has promised to defend His people when they return to their land in the last days. Read Psalm 121. In Isaiah 54:17, God promised Israel, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.”

For more, check out this link to the Israel Today article quoted here.
