Israel is still in shock. They are still wondering how they were caught off guard to experience the most devastating day in the history of the modern state of Israel. More Israelis were murdered on Saturday, October 7th than any day during the historic wars Israel has suffered during its return to the Promised Land. This sudden defeat did not come at the hands of an enemy nation but was perpetrated by an Islamic terrorist entity.
On the last day of the Jewish peoples’ celebrated Feast of Tabernacles, Hamas, a radical and dangerous Islamic terrorist enemy, struck twenty-two Jewish communities and several military camps near the southern border with Gaza. It is estimated that about 1,000 terrorists entered Israel by land, air, and sea. In 24-hours, they killed more than 800 Israeli citizens and military personnel. The grim pictures shared by Israel give testimony to the demonic and brutal savagery of the invading forces. They raped and tortured women, killed parents in front of their children, and slaughtered people while desecrating their bodies. Many were beheaded. It is believed that they captured 100 or more men, women, children, and elderly people and forced them to flee to Gaza where they are being held hostage. They raided and pillaged the Jewish communities, leaving behind a massive destruction.
They launched more than 5,000 missiles into Israel. A few of these missiles reached the intended targets in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. It is believed by some that some type of electronic device was used to interfere with Israel’s Iron Dome antiballistic system. Some analysts are saying that Iran and Russia helped Hamas to plan this deadly attack and provided the funds, munitions, orders, and technological ability to make it happen.
The Israeli government has declared war on Hamas. Tens of thousands of reservists have been summoned for duty. They have warned the people that the war against Hamas in the streets of the densely populated streets of Gaza will be a long-protracted war. There will be many Israeli casualties in this effort.
Most of us who live in the United States cannot begin to fathom what the Israelis are going through. We have not suffered from wars and rumors of wars as the Jewish people have had to endure for many generations. I was moved by the following report. “What we are experiencing now is unthinkable, unimaginable. The horror, the evil, the pain. It is more than we can bear. Parents and children are slaughtered. Elderly people and their nurses are slaughtered. Teenagers at an outdoor party, slaughtered. For those who are far away, who may not grasp the enormity of this horror – this is Israel’s 9/11.
Throughout Israel, sons and fathers are running to war. The situation is so dire that men in their forties are being called up to action. Yesterday, I stood on my porch watching mothers and wives all over my neighborhood hug their sons and husbands with tears in their eyes, as they rushed from their homes to join their units for battle.
Everyone has a loved one at the front. Some of my friends’ children have been wounded, and others are missing. We are living in a nightmare. Israel is in crisis, in a way many of us have never experienced in our lifetimes” (Israel365news.com, October 8, 2023).
Israelis fear that a war with Hezbollah will break out on the northern border at any moment. This war will dwarf the attack by Hamas. The Iranian-back terrorists in Lebanon have more than 150,000 missiles. All of Israel will be under attack in a matter of a few hours. This is a very serious moment in the history of Israel and in the developments of God’s purposes for the end-times.
There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord has a major purpose behind these events in Israel. He has declared to Israel, “I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction” (Isaiah 48:10). He is using these times to prepare the Jewish people for a time of outpouring of His Spirit, bringing them to salvation. At the beginning of the Tribulation Period 144,000 young Jewish men will be saved (Revelation 7:1-8). During the midst of the battle of Armageddon, the entire living nation will call out to Him for salvation (Zechariah 11:10-13:9).
Pray for Israel and her leaders to make wise decisions. Pray for many who have lost family and friends. Many funerals will be held in the next few hours and days and the people of Israel will be crying out to the Lord for His help. Pray for the Israeli soldiers as this war continues to escalate. Pray that the enemies of Israel will be defeated for the honor and glory of God. Pray that this will unite the nation of Israel. Pray that the church will wake up and understand the lateness of the hour!