Update on Mike and Joyce Wingfield

We are all living at a very challenging time in our world of 2020 tragedies and concerns. For Joyce and I, all of the things we have heard about the CORONA virus finally arrived at our house last month.  Joyce and I both tested positive in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. We hope and pray that we are finally traveling down the last few miles of this long dark tunnel called COVID-19. 

I am writing this today to inform you, encourage you, and to thank you.  Joyce and I did everything possible to protect ourselves from contracting this dreaded virus.  We faithfully stayed home as much as possible. We wore masks. Used hand sanitizer. And, practiced social distancing.    As many of you know, I have not been out of my local area to speak since the middle of March this year.  I have continued to conducted two local monthly prophetic Bible studies, and have been very active speaking in my local church.  I am thankful that I have been able to accomplish a lot of home projects that have been on hold for a very long time.  I have also been very busy with research and writing and hope to have my book on the Rapture ready for publication near the beginning of 2021.

I was the first to show COVID symptoms.  When we got the results of my COVID test back on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, Joyce began to exhibit the symptoms as well.  She too tested positive.  We have had horrible coughs, chest and nasal congestion, fevers, chills, and the most painful headaches and body pains that are the worst we have ever had with the flu in years past.  Our stomachs were upset, we had no appetite, and all we wanted to do was sleep.  The fatigue has been overwhelming.  I have literally had to force myself to get out of my recliner.  I was not able to study my Bible, think straight, or have what was a satisfying worship time with my Lord.  When we hurt physically, it does impact us spiritually.  We have been miserable.

We are very thankful that we are surrounded by our family.  They have been very helpful through all of this.  I really do not know what we would have done without them.  My daughter, who is a registered RN, specialist nurse, knew that we needed to be checking our oxygen saturation levels to make sure COVID would not silently rob us of the natural work of our respiratory system.  She loaned us her Pulse Oximeter.  This is the little thing they put on your finger at the doctor’s office that will almost immediately read your pulse, blood pressure, and percentage of oxygen that is being delivered through your blood to your body cells.  This is essential.  If your body tissue does not get enough oxygen it can be very detrimental and even fatal.  Some tests have shown that this presents a real silent challenge in dealing with COVID. I did not have any symptoms of shortness of breath.  So I thought everything was OK.  I had one night when my problems were very bad.  I could not sleep and I even was experiencing severe chills and had some very disturbing hallucinations.  My daughter rushed her oximeter over and when we check my oxygen levels she was frightened to see that I was in real trouble.  My levels were more than  15 percentage points below normal and I was already in the danger zone.  We immediately contacted my doctor’s office.  They were considering transporting me to the hospital for examination and consultation, but my doctor suggested we could try something else in our home that he was confident would begin to help.  After several hours we began to see a little improvement in my condition.  Now, 4 days later, my levels are almost back to normal.  Humanly speaking, if I have not used my daughter’s finger meter, I might not be here today.   

[I highly recommend that every home ought to have a Pulse Oximeter.  Look them up on line or go to your local drug store and get one.  They cost about $25-30.  It could save your life if you get COVID.  As we all know, this virus primarily attacks the respiratory system.]

Joyce is currently suffering with more active COVID symptoms than I am at the moment.  Please continue to pray for both us.  My doctor is telling me to quarantine myself for the remainder of this year. The meds I am on are helping, but they may be giving me a false sense of wellness that is inaccurate until I am off of these meds.

I want to thank all of you who have been faithfully praying for us.  We might be a little slow getting out our usual mailings for the end of the year.  Please be patient with us. 

This has been a very humbling experience for me. I am still very weak. In the last few days I have been deeply moved by the faithfulness of my Lord once again in my life – which fully belongs to Him.  It is a real blow to our human pride when things like breathing, walking, and eating become a challenge.  All of this has me really praying about life, family, and ministry.  The urgency of the ministry is more real than ever before.

Joyce and I are so blessed to be surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses.  We need each other more than ever in these dark, deceptive days that lie ahead.  Hebrews 10:24-25 comes to mind, “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Nor forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” 

We love you all.  Thanks for your prayers and support.  Stay safe and well and I pray you will all have a blessed Christmas.

Keep listening for the shout that will take us out!

Israel’s Treaty with UAE

This week, it was announced that the Trump administration has helped to foster a treaty between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, an Arab Sunni Islamic nation located in the Persian Gulf area.  This is a very significant historical development that has incredible prophetic implications.  It is reported that these two nations have verbally agreed to “full normalization of relations.” The statement from the White House says these two nations will meet in the coming weeks to “sign bilateral agreements regarding investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecommunications, technology, energy, healthcare, culture, the environment, the establishment of reciprocal embassies, and other areas of mutual benefit. …Opening direct ties between two of the Middle East’s most dynamic societies and advanced economies will transform the region by spurring economic growth, enhancing technological innovation, and forging closer people-to-people relations” (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-israel-uae-peace-agreement).  To make this happen, the Israeli government has agreed to postpone declaring its sovereignty over areas of the West Bank that are a part of President Trump’s Vision for Peace.   

It is believed that this plan, called “Abraham Accord,” will open up avenues to additional peace treaties between Israel and other Arab Islamic nations in the Middle East. All of this is very significant because the Bible teaches that it will be a false peace treaty with Israel that will begin the Tribulation Period (Daniel 9:27).   What do we know about that future treaty?  It will be a treaty between secular Israeli leaders and enemies that really want to plot her destruction (Isaiah 28:14-22).  It will focus upon dividing the Promised Land “for [economic] gain” (Daniel 11:39). This treaty will lead to Armageddon because God says they have “parted my land” (Joel 3:2). 

In light of all of this, it is apparent that the stage is being set for this false peace treaty.  The conditions in the Middle East are ripe for this agreement.  Israel is desperate for peace and security.  The entire region, including Israel, is suffering economically due to the impact of COVID-19. The Sunni Arabs view cooperation with Israel as a path to economic stability.  Many of these Arab Muslims recognize that Israel is the only regional military power that can deal with the threat of Iran (the leading Shiite nation), who considers the Sunni Arabs as their enemies.  Also, Iran is not an Arab, but Persian nation. Therefore, many of the Sunni Arab nations in the region, for the first time in history, are looking to Israel with favor.  In reality, this is being driven by selfish motives.  One needs to ask, what will happen when Iran and her allies are defeated in the Gog and Magog invasion of Israel?  With absence of the Iranian threat in the region, will the Sunni Arabs consequently break their treaty with Israel?  All of this seems to fit what we know about the coming false peace treaty that will begin the Tribulation Period.

In light of all of this, get ready for the shout that will take us out!

Local Meetings Scheduled

Thursday, July 16 – Clearbrook Baptist Church

Topic: “The Spirit of Lawlessness at the End of this Age.”

All those who attend are urged to wear a face mask and to practice social distancing in the meeting room. Someone will be available to assist you with your seating arrangement. All of this could change if our authorities need to change the guidelines due to a new spike in the virus infections. We will send you another notice later as we get closer to the meeting date.

Also! Mike Wingfield will be conducting a 2-hour seminar at Faith Baptist Church, 900 8th Street, Salem, VA on Saturday, June 20th. There will be two sessions, beginning at 10 am and concluding at noon. The topics are: “The Battle for America,” and “When God Judges America.” For directions you can call Pastor Westmoreland at 1-540-353-6357. All who attend are asked to wear face-masks. We will be practicing social distancing in our seating arrangements. This meeting also could change if our authorities need to change the guidelines due to a new spike in the virus infections.

No other meetings or conferences are scheduled at this time. These meetings are local to Mike Wingfield and no significant travel is required for him. We recommend only local people attend these meetings also.

Global Food Crisis

In the May PTNews [Newsletter] Mike addressed the fact that the Bible predicts that the end of this age will encounter a world-wide food crisis. The recent pandemic crisis is a clear warning of this impending disaster. Even before the pandemic started, many voices were sounding the warning of an approaching global famine. In a recent article of Breaking News Israel, David Beasley, the executive director of the World Food Program, said, “The world is heading towards widespread famine ‘of biblical proportions’ due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the chief of the UN’s food relief agency warns. He added that we only have a small window to act before hundreds of millions starve …. Over 30 developing worldwide could experience widespread famine. In 10 of those countries, over 1 million people are on the brink of starvation” (Breaking Israel News, April 26, 2020).

Please read the May PTNews. In the June issue, Mike will share some practical insights from the Bible as to how we should respond to living in these last days. We need to cry out to the Lord for wisdom to know how to live, pray, think, hope, prepare, and plan in these unique days. He has promised to give us wisdom (James 1:5). As COVID-19 has illustrated, we are living in unprecedented times. We need to learn how to biblically “occupy” until Jesus comes.