Threat at U.S. Southern Border

Border wall pic
Crossing the border wall.

One of the serious signs of the last days is the preparations for a One-World government. See Psalm 2:1-3 and Revelation 13:7. For this to take place, the global players who are attempting to make this happen realize they must bring about the demise of the United States. The U.S. is the world’s most powerful nation in the free world. However, that is rapidly changing.
The globalists are using several strategies to bring about the collapse of the U.S. They are attempting to change the nation spiritually, morally, economically, educationally, and politically. At this moment, America is fighting for its life as one of the world’s last true democracies. One of the ways to bring down this nation is to flood it with immigrants that will change the make-up of this once great nation. This is one of the purposes behind the current administration’s open southern border policy.
The current open border policy is a threat to the national security of America. A recent Gatestone Institute article highlighted the invasion of illegal immigrants flooding our southern border with Mexico. Records show that in 2021, almost 1.7 million migrants attempted to enter the U.S. illegally. This is the highest number ever recorded in our history. Data indicates that in 2021 at least 63 percent of those who illegally entered America were from countries other than Mexico. Many of these are enemies of America. It is known that many of them have prior criminal convictions. They are also bringing dangerous illegal drugs across the border.
They are flooding our medical facilities in the southern states, threatening their economic demise. They are placing a massive economic burden upon our government. The current administration is offering billions of dollars in economic aid to these illegal immigrants, while assisting them to settle within our borders. All of this is happening when our nation is facing unprecedented rates of unemployment and runaway inflation. This is a recipe for disaster.
Gatestone Institute comments, “When almost 2 million people arrive in your country in one year (a population larger than many major cities), then there are consequences for local services, healthcare, education, housing, police, fire and EMT – all of the threads of our community fabric. This has nothing to do with race or country of origin. It is a demographic challenge – sheer number of human beings” ( , “Biden’s Borders: The Threat to America and the Threat to the Free World, February 1, 2022).

Wars & Rumors of Wars

The Tribulation Period will be a time of radical geopolitical change. The balance

Picture of Chinese President Xi Jinping with Russian President Vladimir Putin
Chinese President Xi Jinping with Russian President Vladimir Putin

of power will shift from West to East. We are potentially watching a very dangerous and sudden shift in the geopolitical power structure. The balance of power that has existed for 80 years since World War II may be coming to an end. After the world fought two World Wars, the geopolitical power structure shifted toward the West and democracy. The East, with it autocratic forms of government, was defeated. The Tribulation Period will feature the global empire of the Antichrist in the Middle East.
It appears that Russia and China see the weakness of the United States and Europe and are attempting to reestablish their global influence. A recent Gatestone Institute article highlighted this critical development.
“As Russia continues its troop build-up along the border with Ukraine, China has markedly increased its military activity near Taiwan. The twin geopolitical flashpoints, separated by 8,000 kilometers (5,000 miles), are raising concerns that Russia and China could coordinate or conduct concurrent military offensives that the United States and its allies may find difficult to stop.
“A failure to deter Russia and China — deterrence, especially military pre-positioning near the area under threat, is the least costly way to avoid war — would deal a potentially crushing blow to the post-World War II liberal international order. That system, whose principles and norms — including adherence to the rule of law, respect for human rights and the promotion of liberal democracy, as well as preserving the sanctity of territorial sovereignty and existing boundaries — has regulated the conduct of international relations for nearly 80 years.”
“If they succeed in dividing the world into zones of exclusive control, Russia and China would effectively collapse the Western global order and restore the unstable international system of great power rivalry that existed before — and ended with — the two world wars of the twentieth century.” (

America at War

Most Americans do not realize that our beloved nation is presently fighting for its life as a free country.  We have many enemies within and without that are aimed at transforming America into a godless socialist state.  They hate America for many reasons.  They hate America because this country was founded upon moral biblical values.  They also hate America because this great nation is the last domino that needs to fall in order to create a New World Order where all citizens of the planet become slaves to a godless totalitarian government.

We now have real data records to prove that the American presidential election this past November was altered by international cyber intrusion [primarily China].  I highly recommend that you spend the time to watch the following 2 hour video produced by Mike Lindell.  Do not allow what the media and others have said about this great American to influence your attitudes about what he has to say.  He has used his resources and influences to bring together a team of experts to prove beyond a doubt how our election was stolen.  The evidence is impeccable!  This is not a conspiracy.  It is about a real evil agenda.  The evidence is all around us.

The massive cover-up of this voter fraud is an indication of just how widespread the influence of the enemies of America really is. Friends, we are living at a very dangerous moment in America.  What is happening here mirrors what has happened in other countries where evil socialist regimes took control of other countries. They are silencing journalists who are exposing their agenda. The media is a tool in their war against America. They are planning to take our guns from us.  They are and will increasingly attack the church and all those who speak the truth. We are a threat to their agenda and power. 

Please watch the following video before it is taken down.   Please share it with all of your friends and family. 

Mike Lindell video

Warning – video is 2 hours and a strong connection is recommended. Do not contact us about video freezing. We are just linking to it.

A Personal Note from Mike

Joyce and I thank all of you for your kind cards, notes, e-mails and phone calls during our down time with the COVID virus. We both tested positive a few days before Thanksgiving. We both had symptoms for two weeks. Joyce has bounced back quicker than I have. This is a real note of praise. We were both fearful of how Joyce would react to the virus if she would get it. Her immune system has been compromised due to her treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. So, we are rejoicing that she is doing well. My symptoms of COVID included a dangerous lowering of my oxygen saturation levels. I continue to experience shortness of breath. I also do not have much stamina. I remain excessively tired all of the time. Some have told me that I can expect these problems to persist for a few weeks or months. Please keep praying for us.

As I feel like it, I have been working on the newsletter research and writing. In addition to this, I am working on my book on the rapture. Plus, I am working on a booklet and recorded messages to complement a booklet on “Your Future in the Eternal Plan of God.” I am hoping to finish both of these projects by the end of February.

We will soon begin to construct a new recording studio in our prophecy building. The goal is to record many new messages and to edit and record some of those I have done in the past. I am really excited about this plan. The COVID crisis has taught me that I must reach out to many of you more effectively with the rapidly moving developments that are rushing us into the unfolding of the biblical end-time events. Please join me in praying for this studio to be completed.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. God bless all of you. I hope you have a great New Year!

Lastest Update on Mike & Joyce’s Recovery from COVID

We joyfully announce that Joyce and I are on the road to a recovery from our two-week plus struggle with COVID.  We still have a residual cough and suffer from physical weakness, which we understand may last for another week or more.  We thank all of you who prayed, called, or sent us a note of encouragement.  Please pray that we will continue to be diligent to resist any further possible exposure to this highly contagious and painful virus.  God bless you all.  Stay safe and well.