Super Trump

No other American president has ever supported Israel like our current president. As a result, praise for U.S. President Donald Trump is soaring high in Israel. Israel has a new hit song, sung by the Jerusalem Boy’s Choir. Here are the lyrics.

Super Trump, is Jerusalem’s prince

Super Trump, to the sky he will reach,

Halleluya from the city of Zion In the name of our Lord,

He will fight like a lion If the whole world stands against us

And only Micronesia is rooting for us

When the sons of Ishmael harm our land Don’t you worry, Trump takes a stand

If in ISIS they are shouting S.O.S And in Gaza the Hamas, have started packing bags

If UNESCO joins with the B.D.S. Don’t you fret at all,

Trump is standing guard

If Iran is cracking nukes every single morning

And the world shuts up, and doesn’t even care

One fine day, no one will hear them calling Cause super Trump is here, and always standing guard.

To hear this song, click on this link and enjoy.

Israel Creates and Dedicates Trump Heights

On Sunday, June 16, Israel celebrated and dedicated a new village on the Golan Heights in the honor of U.S. President Donald Trump. President Trump has demonstrated many times since his election that he is a true friend of the state of Israel. This was especially demonstrated with the official recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the moving of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem on the 70th anniversary of Israel, May 14, 2018. Earlier this year, President Trump signed an official document in Washington that recognizes the formerly disputed area of the Golan Heights as being a sovereign part of the state of Israel. Now, the Israeli government is showing their gratitude to President Trump by establishing a new village in this historic part of ancient Israel.

According to the Bible, this part of the Promised Land called “Bashan” was given to the Jews by God. It was conquered by Israel and given to the tribe of Manasseh under the direction of Moses, as recorded in Deuteronomy 3:1-13. According to Jeremiah 50:19, after the defeat of Israel at the hands of the Babylonians almost 2,600 years ago, God promised that in the last days He would return His people to this part of the Promised Land.

The Golan Heights was given to the Syrians as a part of the French mandate after World War 1. The Syrians used this high ground as a military launching pad from 1949 to 1967 to make life miserable for the Jewish farmers living in the Galilee. Finally, the Syrians were defeated and driven out by Israel during the 6-day war in June, 1967. In 1981 Israel officially annexed this land as an official part of the state of Israel. However, all of the nations, including the U.S., failed to officially recognize Israel’s declaration of sovereignty and referred to this area as “disputed land.” Now, with these recent announcements by President Trump, the world is being force to decide if they will recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the Golan as a sovereign part of the state of Israel.

According to the prophetic Scriptures, Israel and the U.S. are standing against world opinion on these matters. However, God is on Israel’s side. The nations are about to enter into the final confrontation with God. This conflict will lead to two major wars mentioned in the Bible – the Battle of Gog and Magog on the Golan Heights (Ezekiel 38-39) and the Battle of Armageddon in Jerusalem (Zechariah 12, 14).

God’s prophetic clock in heaven is ticking and it is getting very late! Get ready for the shout that will take us out!

Click on the following link to watch the dedication of Trump Heights.


Islam’s Hatred of Jews and Christians

The world is attempting to appease Islam by passing laws to protect anyone from criticizing any aspect of the religion. At the same time, the world seems to have given them permission to attack Jews and Christians. All over Europe, leaders within the European Union are asking Jews to stop wearing the Jewish head covering, or any other Jewish symbol. At the same time, radical Muslims are attacking Christians who are wearing a crucifix. The message is loud and clear. Don’t offend Muslims while they plan to attack you and kill you. We are living in times of great spiritual darkness!

Since the beginning of the religion of Islam, there has been an open attack upon the cross, the very symbol that recognizes the Christian faith and salvation. Several sources indicate that this was the teaching and practice of Muhammad, the founding prophet of Islam. For centuries, Muslims have been breaking crosses and destroying churches across the Middle East and Europe. Muslims do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God and teach that Judas, not Jesus, died on a cross.

As Islam continues to grow in numbers and acceptance, it is a clear sign that the end of this age is approaching. Islam teaches that at the end, Jesus, who they call Issa, will return with the Islamic Messiah and destroy Christianity, breaking crosses, and killing Jews. This is in direct opposition to the message of the Bible. According to the Bible, the Antichrist (who will be a Muslim), and all those who join him in his attack upon Israel, will be killed by Jesus at Armageddon (Revelation 19:11-21).

This clearly reminds us that the Koran and the Bible are not the same. They have opposing messages. They cannot both be right. It also proves that the god of Islam, Allah, is not the God of the Bible, who calls Himself “the Holy One of Israel.” The final war at the end of this age will be the god of Ishmael (Islam) against the God of Isaac (Israel). The stage is set and the players are marching to the beat of hatred that will drive them to Armageddon.

Get ready for the shout that will take us out!

2,600 year old Seal of King Josiah’s Servant Discovered


Archeologists in Israel just discovered a clay seal buried 40 feet below a parking lot in Jerusalem. This tiny seal bears the name of one of King Josiah’s servants, Natan L’Melech, mentioned in 2 Kings 23:11. These stunning discoveries are becoming more common in recent years. Now, more than 54 names in the Bible have been discovered on objects by archeologists in Israel. Our God is graciously sending a message to all of Israel and the world that the Bible is historically accurate. This also proves that the Jewish people were in their land long before the Palestinians. All of this is bad news for those who claim that the Bible is a book of fairy tales.


The Jewish Love for the Land

Picture of an Israli.
credit: Times of Israel

There is no people group on the face of the earth that loves their land like the Israelis. The land of Israel is a part of their Jewish birthright, history, and heart. It is a vital part of who they are. It goes much deeper than feelings of patriotism. In a unique way, God has united the Jewish heart and the land of Israel. In Isaiah 62:4, the land is called “Beulah,” which is Hebrew for “married.” Going all the way back to the Abrahamic covenant 4,000 years ago, God married the Jewish people to the Promised Land. Speaking of the Jew and the land, God said, “For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee” (Isaiah 62:5).

This bond between the Jew and his land is perfectly illustrated with the recent return of the remains of an Israeli who was killed in action 37 years ago in southern Lebanon. On April 4, 2019, Sergeant First Class Zachary Baumel was laid to rest in the prestigious military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. In remarks at her brother’s committal, Osan Haberman said, “All of our prayers during these 37 years went to one place and we’re here. I thought about what I would do here in this place. I can’t even embrace you. So I thought to turn to the ground and ask the land to embrace you. After a few minutes I understood that I don’t even need to ask. The land embraces you so strongly. And why? Because there is absolute love between the son that gave everything for the land and the land itself, and there is a perfect union here. You are together now.”

When people attempt to separate the Jewish people from the land God has given to them, they are wrestling with God. They are attempting to divide what God is united. God has married the Jew to the land. “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Mathew 19:6).