The Tragic Face of War

At this moment in time, once again the world is looking into the tragic face of war.  My heart is torn as I watch the news and see the suffering of the Ukrainian people.  Parents, children, and the elderly in Ukraine are all experiencing the sudden upheaval of every fabric of their lives.  As Christians, we must pray that believers in Ukraine will have a great open door to share the only real hope and peace in the world – faith in Jesus Christ.

One of the strong signs of the end-times is the collapse of peace and security.  While speaking about the last days, Jesus said, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and [pandemics], and earthquakes, in [different] places” (Matthew 24:6-7).   While speaking about the Tribulation Period, the Apostle Paul wrote, “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

This current invasion of Russia into Ukraine illustrates that we are living at a time when our world is in turmoil.  The United States has been the strong nation of freedom and peace around the globe since the end of WWII.  As the U.S. shows signs of weakness, it is sending a message to the tyrants of the world, that now is the time for them to make their move to acquire more power, wealth, and resources.  Therefore, President Vladmir Putin has made his dramatic move against an independent sovereign nation along his border. He wants to control and acquire more energy resources and to restore Russia to its glory days of the former Soviet Union. We can expect other tyrants, like those in China, North Korea, Iran, and Turkey to follow in the footsteps of Russia.

According to the prophetic Word of God, our world is heading into the most dangerous and volatile time in modern history.  The 20th century saw two World Wars.  During World War II, about 80 million people [3 percent of the global population] died.  During the final seven years before Christ returns to earth from heaven, the world will face human suffering and fatalities that will boggle the human mind.  There will be numerous wars as the final global dictator attacks every nation on the planet to set up his global kingdom.  In the first half of the Tribulation one-half of the global population will die because of wars, famines, pandemics, and an attack by demonic hordes from hell (Revelation 6:8; 9:15).  The last half of the Tribulation will be more horrific than the first half.  Isaiah 24:6 declares, “Therefore, hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.”

The final war, Armageddon, will involve every nation on the planet.  This war will end when the Lord Jesus comes back to earth in a display of great power and glory (Matthew 24:30).  He will strike dead all the armed forces that accompany the Antichrist in his attack upon Jerusalem (Revelation 19:11-21).

Jesus will return to earth to establish a global kingdom of peace.  For 1,000 years the world will not experience any conflict or war.  The Bible declares, “And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” (Isaiah 2:4).

The Bible teaches that peace treaties will not work in a world filled with depraved souls.  History demonstrates that conflict and war are a part of the sin nature of mankind (James 3:14-17).  Human governments must rule from a position of strength to deter violence and lawlessness (Romans 13:1-4). Therefore, Jesus will rule the world with an iron scepter (Revelation 19:15).  Jesus will rule over depraved humanity during the kingdom from a position of strength.  There will be no peace until the Prince of Peace comes to establish His kingdom of peace!

My friend, our world will not get better.  We are moving into the most dangerous period this world has ever experienced.  The only way to escape is to receive Jesus and exit the world in the Rapture before the Tribulation period begins.  Now is the time to receive Him.  Don’t wait another day!

Until that time comes, cry out to the Lord to give you wisdom to live in a fallen world filled with violence, war, and death.

Russia Invades Ukraine

All eyes are now on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  Without question we are witnessing the beginning of a war that will have dramatic and painful consequences for the international community.  Many European leaders are concerned this may be the beginning of World Ward III.  This is a major showdown between Russia in the East, and Europe and the U.S. in the West.

This war is of major to Israel.  Many Jewish Israeli citizens are former Ukrainians [about 500,00 are from Ukraine].  About 15,000 Israeli citizens live and work in Ukraine.  Israel has offered to airlift all Jews in Ukraine [about 200,000] to Israel.  Since all three of the Ukrainian airports have been destroyed by the Russian invasion, all who want to escape must travel west to the border with Poland where Jewish authorities are waiting to assist them.  With the fast-advancing Russia forces and only 8 days of propane reserves left in the country, time is of the essence.  Winter is still harsh in Ukraine and the fear is that many will have no way to heat their homes, and many will freeze to death.

How will this war impact Israel?  In just a few days you will receive my March newsletter – PTNews. (That is if you are on the list to receive it. Click the elephant on this page to receive it via e-mail.)  In this publication I have presented extensive considerations of how this war will affect Israel.  The major question for many is the possible connection of this war as a prelude to the Gog and Magog invasion in Ezekiel 38-39.  In my newsletter, I examine 10 considerations to show that Russian President Vladimir Putin could be the Gog [Russian leader] of this future war.  If he is, we are living in the closing moments of the church age!

In recent weeks, Russia has made several threatening statements toward Israel concerning their military air raids on Iranian positions in Syria.  They have told Israel that these air attacks must cease, and if they do not it could lead to a military confrontation with Russia.  Russia is also flying some of their fighter jets from their airbase in Syria along the northern Israeli border on the Golan Heights in what appears to be of a provocative nature.  When Israeli leaders condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine, within hours Russia said that Israel was illegally occupying the Golan Heights.  Without question, Russia is looking south toward Israel.

Israeli political and military leaders are convinced that the Ezekiel 38-39 war is on the immediate horizon.  They are not only talking about it.  They are prepared for the day that it happens.  All of Israel is focused on Ezekiel’s prophecy.

If the world carries through with their threat to put in place harsh economic sanctions on Russia, could this backfire and force Russia to attack Israel for the wealth and food that Ezekiel mentioned in his prophecy?  It is looking like this could be a real possibility.

Putin has put himself in a very precarious position.  He is forced to proceed with his war plans.  This could cause him to expand his war efforts.  Some very dangerous days are ahead for our world.

“Be ready for the shout that will take us out!”

America at War

Most Americans do not realize that our beloved nation is presently fighting for its life as a free country.  We have many enemies within and without that are aimed at transforming America into a godless socialist state.  They hate America for many reasons.  They hate America because this country was founded upon moral biblical values.  They also hate America because this great nation is the last domino that needs to fall in order to create a New World Order where all citizens of the planet become slaves to a godless totalitarian government.

We now have real data records to prove that the American presidential election this past November was altered by international cyber intrusion [primarily China].  I highly recommend that you spend the time to watch the following 2 hour video produced by Mike Lindell.  Do not allow what the media and others have said about this great American to influence your attitudes about what he has to say.  He has used his resources and influences to bring together a team of experts to prove beyond a doubt how our election was stolen.  The evidence is impeccable!  This is not a conspiracy.  It is about a real evil agenda.  The evidence is all around us.

The massive cover-up of this voter fraud is an indication of just how widespread the influence of the enemies of America really is. Friends, we are living at a very dangerous moment in America.  What is happening here mirrors what has happened in other countries where evil socialist regimes took control of other countries. They are silencing journalists who are exposing their agenda. The media is a tool in their war against America. They are planning to take our guns from us.  They are and will increasingly attack the church and all those who speak the truth. We are a threat to their agenda and power. 

Please watch the following video before it is taken down.   Please share it with all of your friends and family. 

Mike Lindell video

Warning – video is 2 hours and a strong connection is recommended. Do not contact us about video freezing. We are just linking to it.

A Personal Note from Mike

Joyce and I thank all of you for your kind cards, notes, e-mails and phone calls during our down time with the COVID virus. We both tested positive a few days before Thanksgiving. We both had symptoms for two weeks. Joyce has bounced back quicker than I have. This is a real note of praise. We were both fearful of how Joyce would react to the virus if she would get it. Her immune system has been compromised due to her treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. So, we are rejoicing that she is doing well. My symptoms of COVID included a dangerous lowering of my oxygen saturation levels. I continue to experience shortness of breath. I also do not have much stamina. I remain excessively tired all of the time. Some have told me that I can expect these problems to persist for a few weeks or months. Please keep praying for us.

As I feel like it, I have been working on the newsletter research and writing. In addition to this, I am working on my book on the rapture. Plus, I am working on a booklet and recorded messages to complement a booklet on “Your Future in the Eternal Plan of God.” I am hoping to finish both of these projects by the end of February.

We will soon begin to construct a new recording studio in our prophecy building. The goal is to record many new messages and to edit and record some of those I have done in the past. I am really excited about this plan. The COVID crisis has taught me that I must reach out to many of you more effectively with the rapidly moving developments that are rushing us into the unfolding of the biblical end-time events. Please join me in praying for this studio to be completed.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. God bless all of you. I hope you have a great New Year!

Lastest Update on Mike & Joyce’s Recovery from COVID

We joyfully announce that Joyce and I are on the road to a recovery from our two-week plus struggle with COVID.  We still have a residual cough and suffer from physical weakness, which we understand may last for another week or more.  We thank all of you who prayed, called, or sent us a note of encouragement.  Please pray that we will continue to be diligent to resist any further possible exposure to this highly contagious and painful virus.  God bless you all.  Stay safe and well.