Mike Wingfield Ministries has been raised up by our Lord to aid and assist churches and believers to better understand the prophetic Scriptures. It is our goal to illustrate, with the conservative presentation of current events, that the world is prepared for the Tribulation Period. Therefore, we should anticipate our Lord’s return at any hour! It has been our privilege to witness the very powerful and sobering impact that our conferences, seminars, and resources are having upon churches. The Holy Spirit is using His prophetic word to change lives. We are privileged to be a part of what He is doing in these last days.
As an Extension of Mike Wingfield Ministries, PTNews.org is committed to the proclamation of the prophetic Word of God for the purpose of glorifying our Lord, edifying the saints, evangelizing the lost, and warning this generation to flee from the wrath of God which is to come. The prophetic Scriptures are literally interpreted to reflect a dispensational view of a pre-tribulation rapture and a literal millennial kingdom.
Mike Wingfield Ministries is an independent, non-denominational, organization that seeks to minister to the Christian community about the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in our world today. The purposes for which the organization is organized are exclusively religious, charitable, scientific, literary and educational.